Update 09-25-2020
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we enter our first week of blended and remote learning.
· The first day of blended learning is Tuesday 9/29. This is a C day. If you are in the A or B cohorts, do not come to school. Children who come on the incorrect cohort day will be expected to be picked up.
· All children must wear masks.
· All children must have a health screening form digitally or on paper. Please do this BEFORE coming to the building.
· Please allow time to park if needed.
· Doors open at 8:30. No early drop off.
· Dismissal is at 1:50 for Kindergarten, 1:55 for 1st grade and 2PM for everyone else. We do not offer supervision of children after 2PM so it is critical they are picked up on time.
· The playground is not open to play right now. Please immediately exit the grounds of the school at dismissal.
· Outside of the building, every 6 feet of black fence was painted yellow to give a visual for outdoor social distancing expectations around the school.
· Each grade has a designated entrance/exit. Please ONLY go to these doors.
· Grab-and-go meals for students will be available for breakfast and lunch on school days, although students will also be permitted to bring their own lunch, if they prefer. Eating will occur during an instructional period, so there is no totally separate period for lunch.
· During REMOTE sessions, while we understand that parents or caregivers may be in proximity to children, it is distracting to have adults on camera or behind children while class is in session. We ask that you please be mindful of this.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Mr. Ferrara, Principal
Update: 09-18-2020
Dear Families,
We hope this letter finds you and your families healthy and safe. Mayor DeBlasio and Chancellor Carranza made an announcement yesterday that blended students will not be starting in-person this coming Monday. Instead, in-person learning for blended students will begin on Tuesday, September 29, 2020.
With that said, ALL students in grades K-5 will be still learning remotely Monday, September 21 - Friday, September 25, 2020.
· Our school instructional hours are 8:30-2:00pm (remote or blended students).
· Please have your child log onto their google classroom every morning to check for assignments and for schedules for live synchronous instruction.
· Specific tech issues can be directed to Mrs. Wong cwong12@schools.nyc.gov.
Thank you for your patience while we continue to work through some existing and emerging challenges.
Joseph Ferrara, Principal
Read the letter from the Chancellor here.
PS41Q Town Hall Meeting
Update: Thursday, August 27
Please join Mr. Ferrara on Thursday, August 27th at 10:00AM for our second Town Hall. Please submit questions here:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tyxJGEXvYUWFcQxC5fesB6coWIWzBYJLkkfgCLWygCBUN1dZUVlSSE1TVEpCVFlTS0VaV1hQWFBKTS4u
An email with a link has been sent out. If you have not been receiving PS41Q Notifications, please fill out the form https://www.ps41q.com/contact-us.
Slides/Documents from 8/6 Town Hall can be found here:
Town Hall Google Drive Shared Folder
Thursday, August 6
Parents, Please join Mr. Ferrara on Thursday 8/6 at 10:00 for a Town Hall. Please submit questions here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tyxJGEXvYUWFcQxC5fesB6coWIWzBYJLkkfgCLWygCBUN1dZUVlSSE1TVEpCVFlTS0VaV1hQWFBKTS4u
An email with a link to attend meeting will be sent. If you have not been receiving PS41Q Notifications, please fill out the form https://www.ps41q.com/contact-us.
If you miss this one, there will be two more Town Hall Meeting later in August. Dates will be posted once it's finalized. Slides or documents presented will be shared.
8/6 Town Hall Google Drive Shared Folder
Chancellor's Information about Health and Safety:
NYC Department of Education LearnDOE Return to School Family and Student Information Sessions: Please register using the link below.
a) August 12, 2020 6:30-8:00pm
b) August 27, 2020 6:30-8:00pm
Learning Bridges Family Interest Form (Childcare)
For students in grades 3-K–8, who are participating in blended learning, Learning Bridges is a new program that will provide free childcare options on the days when students are scheduled for remote-learning instruction, for the same time period as the remote-learning instructional period. The Learning Bridges programs will:
Be operated by community-based organizations and other partners;
Provide opportunities for children to connect to remote-learning activities;
Include time for art, recreation, and other age-appropriate activities;
Follow the same rigorous health and safety precautions as schools. 
Families can express interest in the Learning Bridges program by completing the Learning Bridges family interest form.
Please note that students who reside in shelters or hotels will be prioritized for the program.
For questions, email EarlyChildhood@schools.nyc.gov
Remote Learning Devices
If you think you may be in need of a device for remote learning, you can use the DOE Remote Learning Device request form to notify schools of technology needs. Devices will be distributed based on high-need priorities such as vulnerable populations (e.g., students in temporary housing (STH), foster care), and students who lack internet connectivity at home.
P.S. 41 Q does not have a supply of devices to lend out, so it is important that if you are in a high need that you fill out this survey.
In order to help schools to identify families still in need of devices, the DOE is asking that parents fill out the Remote Learning Device request form by August 31 (though the form will remain open throughout the year for parents to use to notify schools of new device and internet-connectivity needs).
Families who have DOE iPads should plug in, turn on, and reconnect DOE-loaned devices, as explained on the Getting Started with Your iPad InfoHub page.